- This website is a set of tools to help you organize/curate your Spotify playlists.
- Use this website to find duplicates across your playlists or within a playlist and remove them.
- Use this website to search for songs (tracks), artists, albums across your playlists.
- You have complete visibility and control because you pick the songs (tracks) to be removed/copied/moved.
- This website is easier to use on a large screen (1366x768 or larger), such as a laptop or desktop.
- This website is completely free to use for all Spotify users.
- Playlists selected on the 'Playlist Tab' determines which playlists are examined by the 'Duplicates Tab', 'Search Tab', 'Tracks Tab', 'Artists Tab'.
- Press 'Log in with Spotify' to get started.
Find Duplicates In Spotify Playlists Feature
- Search across your playlists for a duplicate songs (tracks).
- have you ever wondered if a song (track) is already in another playlist.
- Search individual playlists for duplicate songs (tracks).
- have you ever wonder if a song (track) is already in a specific playlist
- When searching for duplicates you can:
- match on Track Id for exact matches.
- match on Name/Artist/Duration for very close matches.
- You have complete visibility and control because you pick the duplicate songs (tracks) to be removed.
Search Spotify Playlists Feature
- Search across your playlists for a particular artist.
- Search fields: Track Name, Artist Name, Album Name, Playlist Name, etc...
- have you ever wondered if a song (track) or artist is already in one of your playlists.
- have you ever want to find a song (track) or artist in your playlists.
Default Playlist Selection Feature
- Playlist selection can be remembered for your next visit by pressing Save on the 'Playlist Tab'.
- Playlists selected on the 'Playlist Tab' determines which playlist are examined by the 'Duplicates Tab', 'Search Tab', 'Tracks Tab', 'Artists Tab'.
Reload from Spotify Feature
- reloads all of your playlists from Spotify
- reloading your playlists can be useful if you change any of your playlists in the Spotify App while using this website
Learning to use the Duplicates Feature
- How to practice on a couple of test playlists
- In Spotify create a playlist called A1_Test.
- In Spotify add tracks to A1_Test, also add few tracks twice.
- In Spotify create a playlist called A2_test.
- In Spotify add tracks to A2_Test including some of the same tracks from A1_Test.
- Open SpotifyFinder.com and press Log in with Spotify
- Select A1_Test and A2_Test on the Playlist Tab (unselect all other playlists).
- Goto the Tracks Tab to review the tracks in A1_Test and A2_Test.
- Goto the Artists Tab to review the artists in A1_Test and A2_Test.
- Goto the Duplicates Tab and alternate between Across Playlists and In Same Playlist.
- On the Duplicates Tab select duplicate tracks and press Remove Dups.
- Once you feel comfortable using SpotifyFinder you can organize your actual playlists.
Spotify Public API, Loading Times/Speed and Session Timeouts
- The Spotify public api is quite nice, but it has built in speed limits.
- this web app loads data from Spotify as fast as Spotify permits.
- loading a playlist with 1000's of songs (tracks) may take a while
- it is reccommended that you limit the number of large playlists selected on the Playlist Tab at any one time
- A session timeouts after 12 hours of no activity.
Change Log
- To view the change log go to the help page and select change log.
Your Privacy
- This website is ad free.
- This website enforces the use of https.
- This website does not use third party tracking cookies.
- This website does not use third party tracking analytics.
- This website does not share, sell, or buy any personal information about you.
- With your persmission this website reads/edits your Spotify playlists.
- The User Authentication page is provided by Spotify directly. This website never sees your Spotify password.
Open Source
- A retired software engineer who likes building things and contributing to open source.
- A Richard Feynman quote: "The pleasure in life comes from figuring things out".
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